contemplate hope

a space for your soul to breathe • a place to listen to God together


Spiritual direction is an art—
a dynamic flow of listening & responding, questioning & wondering,
of encouragement, of silence,
all in the context of prayer.

- Sue Pickering, Spiritual Direction

I’m Nancy. I’m so glad you found your way to this little space.

I love to play with words, with paint, with music. I work with kids at my church every Sunday, but I love learning from God’s children of all ages—their delight and their deep thoughts are incredible treasures. I have been a music therapist, a worship leader, a hospice worker, a homeschool mom, an ESL teacher, a storyteller, an enneagram coach, a dinner wrecker, a dessert obsesser.

Becoming a spiritual director has been a calling of presence, a beautiful umbrella of sorts over many loves I’ve gathered along the way. As others have held a lifetime of sacred places with me and for me, a gentle offering to notice God’s presence in my life, I have felt the love of Christ more deeply and the stirring of the Holy Spirit more tenderly.

To hold space for deep conversations—ones that allow for ache and lament, and ones that linger in laughter—is one of my deepest callings and joys. I love offering retreats, individual sessions and small groups that create space for people to experience the love, creativity, rest & renewal that God invites us all into.

These days I often find home in a poem more often than in words strewn in sentences.
